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Power your modern merchandising, one happy traveler at a time

Deliver the shopping experience consumers expect with Routehappy

Today's shoppers want to see the full picture and visually understand the differences between airline offers. This is where Routehappy comes in. Whether it’s branded fares, premium cabin experiences, or ancillary services, Routehappy is the key to enhancing airline offers and delivering a best-in-class visual shopping experience.

Consisting of three content types—UPAs, Amenities, and UTAs — Routehappy communicates targeted information about airline offers.

We make it easy to target content, publish it centrally, distribute it broadly (including via NDC), and integrate it flexibly in any sales channel, ensuring the content is relevant to the offer being presented.



See which airlines supply and which channels use Routehappy

Open the door to countless merchandising opportunities

By integrating Routehappy into the shopping experience, both airlines and channels can increase conversions and revenue while creating the customer experience flight shoppers expect.

Differentiate and better showcase offers

Differentiate and better showcase offers 

Highly customized and targeted content allows you to clearly show unique offers that resonate more with flight shoppers and let them visualize the flight experience.

Drive conversion and increase upsell

Drive conversion and increase upsell

Enable shoppers to see the features and benefits of your offerings and make buying decisions based on more than just price alone, tapping into unrealized revenue potential.

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

Consistent omnichannel experiences drive brand loyalty.

Describing the flight experience starts here


Targeted messaging and visual content from airlines
UPAs (Universal Product Attributes) bring unique airline fares, products, and services to life with images, messaging, videos, and cabin tours. UPA content can be precisely targeted by aircraft, cabin, route, time of day, fare, and more, showing flight shoppers time-sensitive and relevant content as they shop.

Learn more about UPAs

Amenities categories w/ CO2


Comparable features of the flight experience, simplified
Comprehensive flight Amenities data helps airlines and sales channels convey expected features of the onboard experience, including seat pitch/type, Wi-Fi, power, entertainment, and more. Our Amenities data makes it easy to compare those features between seat types within an airline or across airlines.

Learn more about Amenities 


Consumer-friendly benefits and restrictions by fare
UTAs (Universal Ticket Attributes) are benefits and restrictions by fare, in plain, simple language that make it easy for flight shoppers to understand. UTAs are sourced from airline ATPCO Fares, Branded Fares, and Optional Services filings that are then processed into clear, concise merchandising content.

Learn more about UTAs 


Start meeting flight shoppers’ needs today

More ways Routehappy can help


Bring airline offers to life with targeted messaging and visual content.

Learn more 


Easily compare fare benefits and restrictions.

Learn more 


Easily compare features of the flight experience.

Learn more 


Distribute airline content to sales channels everywhere.

For airlines

For channels


Routehappy flight survey

Annual flight shopper survey

Uncover how you can exceed flight shoppers' expectations

Download the results

CO2 emissions overview

CO2 Emissions

Learn about the newest Routehappy Amenity

Download the solution sheet

Routehappy case studies

The importance of clearly presenting fare attributes 

Learn how over 225 airlines have benefited from Branded Fares

Download the white paper