A complete solution that gives you visibility into your dynamic competitive markets and control over every aspect of your pricing management.
With ATPCO, Amadeus and Sabre integrate and distribute full Routehappy content to sales channels worldwide.
Seat Infographics are a visual representation of the seat product and is available as a Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG).
Next Generation Storefront overview explains an industry standard of data that describes “like-type” airline products and services.
Overview: Differentiate your shopping displays and better present airline products.
Overview: Learn how airlines can implement different dynamic pricing approaches that match individual infrastructure and strategy.
Learn how to implement three dynamic pricing mechanisms: Optimized Pricing, Adjusted Pricing, and Continuous Pricing.
Specification and implementation for the exchange format for sales data transactions.
ATPCO is the official source for all published Optional Services industry sub codes and Group definitions.
How current pricing and revenue management practices might be affected by dynamic pricing and offer generation.
Learn how individual airlines and systems use reservation booking designator (RBD) capabilities to improve assortment optimization.