President and CEO Alex Zoghlin talks solving for complexity in both a dynamic and traditional world.
President and CEO Alex Zoghlin talks about paving the way towards dynamically created offers, ATPCO's strategic acquisition of 3Victors, and progress on the journey to modern airline retailing.
ATPCO wishes you a happy holiday season, built on modern airline retailing.
Targeting UPAs by Branded Fares unlocks even more value for airlines working toward modern airline retailing.
ATPCO's President and CEO Alex Zoghlin talks industry progress towards dynamically created offers, interoperability, and what ATPCO has been up to this year in his latest letter to the industry.
Using consumer behavior and best-in-class merchandising tactics, create a win-win for your airline and your customer.
ATPCO’s CEO and President Alex Zoghlin shares how ATPCO is driving the airline industry forward through innovation, dynamic offer creation, and modern airline retailing.
In 2021, ATPCO had many highlights, including the new Routehappy API launch. In 2022, we focus on four key initiatives on Dynamic Offer Creation, NDC, NGS, and ONE Order.
Complex industries grow their own languages, and airline pricing is one of the worst. Let ATPCO help you learn what some of these acronyms and terms mean.
As we close out 2020, I'd like to acknowledge industry wide victories and offer my appreciation to the industry I've been proud to be part of.
Learn what ATPCO has done over the last few months to help customers and airline industry partners respond and adapt to new market conditions.
I’ve decided it’s time for me to move on from my full-time role, after guiding Routehappy for the past decade since its founding.