Glossary for the airline industry
From A-Z, this glossary covers definitions and explanations for common airline industry terminology.
Directory that controls which organizations (subscribers) receive what public and private data from ATPCO for processing. Now handled through the FareManager Distribution application.
The Partner Security Access Level (or PASS); it is now called Data Control. This directory enables the data owning organization to authorize users at partner organizations to view, create or update changes to fares, rules, footnotes, and add-ons (through the FareManger Fares application and/or the Fares Upload Service).
The last point of departure or first point of arrival within a geographic locale as specified below: (Note there is an implied hierarchy in the following descriptions.) a. When traveling between Areas 1, 2, or 3, the last point of departure/first point of arrival in that area. b. When traveling between zones within an area, the last point of departure/first point of arrival in that zone (not applicable to travel between zones within the United States). c. When traveling between countries within a zone, the last point of departure in one country and the first point arrival in another country. NOTE: Gateway hierarchy applies to fare components or pricing units depending upon category application. When travel crosses multiple IATA areas, such as NYC--BOM via PAR(Area 1 to Area 3 via Area 2), the departure from Area 1 (NYC) and the arrival in Area 3 (BOM) are considered the gateways. The intermediate via points in Area 2 are not (PAR), unless further modified by a Gateway TSI in combination with Geographic Location (such as Gateway Europe).
Great circle miles.
Global distribution system.
Restrictions that apply to all fares; consequently, they are separate from the individual fare rules. When a general rule does not apply to a fare, the non-applicability is included in the fare rule. Also called governing rule.
Printed tariff pages that are published as legal documents for the governments of Canada and the United States.
ATPCO's Government Filing System. An automated system used by ATPCO that combines fare and rule data and electronically files carrier changes to corresponding governments or for carriers to display or distribute. The changes can consist of fares, add-ons, footnotes, routings, and rules.
A network system that enables transactions between travel industry service providers such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and travel agencies.
The name for the test environment where customers can use real data to familiarize themselves with new interfaces and test changing subscription files to ensure pricing will occur correctly in an updated system.
See general rule.
Detailed data of individual transactions. See also aggregate data.
A filed published or private fare (the amount shown in the Base Fare Box of the passenger coupon). Also called ticketed fare amount.
The amount reported to the carrier by the agent, including any commissions to be deducted through the ARC/BSP return.
Category 26. Defines the requirements to qualify for group fares. For example, minimum group size, type of group, substitutes, travel together, or individual travel restrictions like ten or more passengers traveling together.
Graphical user interface.